Ash Meadows: This was our second time to this place, and as always it was a most magnificent trip. Warm during the day (read: high 70's and even low to mid 80's) and remotely warm at night, at least above freezing. This week we were sent to take down barbed wire fences. Though it has the possibility of being boring work, we had so many different fences that it wasn't hard to enjoy the time...

The beginning of the week, and we were enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

You might have to enlarge the picture to see the important part of this, but that is a huge pile of barbed wire. That was after 1st break, which is only like 2 1/2 hours.

One of my roommates was on my crew for the week, and he was going crazy on the wire! He and I rocked the line so that everyone else could roll it up easily. It was super!

Lunch time Day 2!! Kevin (one of the English internationals) decided to have a little fun!

It was a much needed break in the days sun... finding a little bit of shade was totally necessary.

Education afternoon! Though this was the second time we heard a similar educational speech, we definitely learned a few new things, which was refreshing.

More educating.

During and especially after education time, it was ridiculously windy so we ended up cooking inside a random building. It was hilarious, because it was so loud in there, but at least we could actually cook.

My father came to work with us for a day!!! It was the hardest day I've probably ever had in the NCC, but he and I had a great time, and enjoyed working together.

He was a brilliant barbed wire roller. I was very proud.

After morning break, we moved on to another area that was FILLED with huge pieces of wood. Some were as long as 10 feet long and 1x1. Ridiculously heavy. That's all I can say.

Some even took 4 people to carry. Almost a month later I still feel like I have bruises on my shoulders from carrying.

Father decided that this would be a great picture, sooo, I obliged him. Rawr!

Group picture with father right there in the middle! After a ridiculously hard day it was nice to gather with my fellow coworkers and take a picture in the dwindling sunlight!

Day 4, and it was time to get heated! Throw on some sweet waders and hope that the water was warm. Thankfully, it was, and the work took us so long back in there, that we couldn't carry it out until the next day...

The next day and we had to carry "Loggy" out! Holy wah, Loggy was heavy! I thought I was gonna die, but I carried it 2/3 of the way, and it was almost a mile out of where we were working. I was proud to say the least.

This is what we walked through with Loggy, soo watery and fabulous. The last day in Ash Meadows we ended up mostly driving around all of the piles of barbed wire that we had created earlier in the week. It was a great time to calm down and not use my shoulder for a while...
Next week, off to Lake Mead, once again!
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