Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lovell Canyon - Weeks 10 and 11

Honestly, the last two 8 days of work have been essentially the same project. Trail work and continuously the same thing for 16 days of my life. It's not about to change, there are at least 3 more 8 days coming, and possibility of two more after that. Sad. I have pictures, but there really is little explanation. This is probably my least favourite project thus far, and I'm having a hard time finding the good in the project overall. At this point though, I'm doing my best to stay positive for the crew because I know it's important for us to be happy throughout the project to be the most productive.

So, to put all of this together, basically, the first week building trail, we were two crews meeting up 2 miles away from one other crew. We somehow magically managed to finish all 2 miles, even though none of us had ever built trail before except for our bosses. It was... interested/frustrating beyond all belief. Thankfully it's an absolutely beautiful area and that really helps with any frustration levels that occur.
On the second week of trail, we were with a Las Vegas crew, one of the other crews from the week before, and then also a new set of people called the NCCC (National Civilian Conservation Corps, I prefer to call them the N-Trips). They are also new at trail, and were not prepared. On Friday is snowed, rained, sleeted, and iced on us in less then 1 hour... and it didn't stop, the entire day. We stopped work at noon because of unstable working ground, and the inability to hold on to tools appropriately. Above are a few pictures of the day after that horrendous working atmosphere. A most intriguing experience, and I'm waiting to see how things come out in the end.

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