Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lake Mead Athel!

While we hunt for athel (another invasive species, much like tamarisk) we walk in a grid and GPS every tree we find, girdle and spray with herbicide. As you can see, there are tons of clouds in this picture and the week was filled with some awful weather, but good patches like this day. Open view of the Lake. This is around Bonelli Landing, AZ.
An abandoned boat by Overton Beach.
SNOW! Ach!
Hunting for Athel!
We went to Death Valley for an educational day, and this is our group photo. It's one of our best yet!

Death Valley

Jesse about to kill Tamarisk. It's an invasive species of Salt Cedar that has completely taken over Death Valley. We had backpack sprayers and heavy duty latex gloves in order to handle the herbicide needed. Death Valley does have water! And actually, a lot of it. . .
Our campsite at Breakfast Canyon! It was kind of cool, because we were surrounded by high cliffs, but there was really no where to camp.
A view from about 2000 ft up looking down on the entirity of Death Valley. It was beautiful!
Group shot of the crew. We decided to climb up a ways up the side of a mountain and took a shot there.

Lovell Canyon - Oct. 13th to Dec. 4th

I have been terribe at updating, so I'm going to try and get all of this up to date from Lovell Canyon, to Lake Mead!

Last of the Jeruselum crickets. They started to go into hibernation halfway through our time in Lovell.
Andy, hard at work on the trail. When we finished doing all of the trail to be finished, we had to move on to about a month's worth of rock work and random finishing jobs. Not gonna lie, that got old realllly fast, and I know the whole crew is glad to be done with Lovell Canyon.

Two of our Korean international volunteers decided to take a nap on the way to work one Monday morning. I don't think I blame them.
Clearing up slash! (Seriously, not that exciting, but you have to make it fun somehow, right?)
On top of "Jesus Peak" for an educational luncheon hour.

Cicada larvae. They look REALLY weird, and we could have sworn they were some kind of alien creature from another planet. Now onto Death Valley!